Allopurinol Advice Needed

Allopurinol is great for gout, but only if the dose is right. Get it wrong, and the effect on uric acid level is useless, as this reader's father is finding out.Hello, i run into web site after helplessly trying to get some info about gout. My dad is visiting me here, and he is having one of his attacks. He is 72. I guess he was never diagnosed properly, and last 15 years he was given some non-steroid, anti-inflammatory medication. At the end he ended up in a hospital for a bleeding ulcer, and that was first time he was diagnosed with gout. That was last year in September. His gout was so bad, that he couldn?t walk. He was given injections for pain and inflammation. They put him on allopurinol 100 mg. he got better, but never 100%. When he came here, I looked through his lab tests. Back in September his uric acid was 516 umol/l. Average should...
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