What are the best shoes for gout?

What are the best shoes for gout?

For years I have had Gout, I have been tested and it is Gout. Anyway, Doctors think it is odd but I get gout attacks from simply changing shoes. They are not cheap tight shoes but no matter what quality simply changing into different shoes will bring on an attack. Also just bumping my foot on something or twisting it wrong.(playing guitar will get my wrist or finger too) Does anyone else have issues with shoes. I hate wearing crocs everyday thanks continue reading What are the best shoes for gout?...
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Walking With Gout

Walking With Gout

I have replaced this June 2011 walking with gout discussion with Should I Walk with Gout. But you can still read the old details below. But you will get better gout walking information if you follow the links in this announcement: Walking, Swimming and Gout Update 1. Keith has updated Gout and Exercise to reduce Uric Acid to include new evidence to show that aerobic exercise for 45 days can reduce uric acid. Also, he has written new advice to answer Should I Walk with Gout. 2. I have grouped new exercise discussions for gout sufferers into the Gout and Exercise Forum. Similarly, I have created a Should I Walk with Gout Forum. So please join those discussions and add your own questions, experiences, and opinions about walking and swimming with gout. Please remember if you want personal help with any aspect of gout, the new place to ask is GoutPal's Gout Forum. So we look forward to chatting with you about your walking,...
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Biggest Danger Of Gout – Ignorance

Just like me, it seems, the LA Times gets letters from its readers about the danger of gout. It published three letters about gout yesterday, and the depth of ignorance from sufferers, alternative medicine promoters, and qualified medical personnel drives me to despair. One gout sufferer blames beer. Though alcohol can affect kidney performance in some people, and drinking beer can promote dehydration - a sure cause of gout, to hope that simply stopping drinking beer will stop gout is naive in the extreme. He notes that avoiding dehydration and restricting joints can trigger gout attacks. Both these are true, but avoid the main danger of gout. Another reader claims respite from gout pain for a year through black cherry concentrate capsules daily, and indomethacin when required. These may well reduce gout pain, but again, they do nothing to avoid the main danger of gout. The worst story comes from a man who has consulted 4 doctors - 2 of these have had...
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