Diclofenac For Gout

Diclofenac For Gout

Coincidentally, my recent posts about gout remedies for pain relief requires another - this time it is diclofenac for gout. Diclofenac is one of many NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) that are suitable for any kind of inflammatory pain. As they fight inflammation, they are often prescribed for gout. It seems to me, that the selection of a NSAID has more to do with a doctor's prescribing habits than anything else. In essence, this is bound to happen. There is limited research into comparing NSAIDs as they are all quite similar. If doctors find something that presents more benefits than problems, they are likely to stick with it. So if diclofenac works, then there is little point switching to something else. I also believe that trying to champion one NSAID for gout over another completely misses the point. It is far more important to plan a gout treatment program that recognizes the part that NSAIDs play. The NSAID must be a temporary solution to...
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Naproxen (Aleve) For Gout

Naproxen (Aleve) For Gout

Naproxen (often sold under the Aleve brand) is commonly used by gout sufferers to relieve gout pain. It belongs to a class of drugs called NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs), and so it should never be taken with other NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, indomethacin, etc. NSAIDs are not gout-specific, but as gout pain is from inflammation, they are often prescribed by doctors for gout pain relief. As they are widely available OTC (Over The Counter), many gout sufferers make them the first choice for gout remedies. The old forum had a lively discussion about naproxen for gout, but it failed to draw any conclusions about adequate dosing, or the proper place in a gout treatment plan. I want to clear this up and update my Gout Pain Treatment Guide. continue reading Naproxen (Aleve) For Gout...
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Gout Weight Loss

Gout Weight Loss

[This gout weight loss discussion transferred from old forum July 2010] Rapid Weight Loss and Elevated Uric Acid Level How much does rapid weight loss contribute to elevated uric acid levels? I'm 50 and have had gout flareups for about 8 years. I've spent the past two weeks bedridden with swollen knees, feet, and ankles. I'm finally walking around (with some pain) after getting a course of prednisone. Anyway, this last episode was so bad that I decided finally to do something about it. I ordered a uric acid test kit, and I swore off alcohol and red meat. Join the Gout Weight Loss discussion...
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Allopurinol Drug Recall

Allopurinol Drug Recall

Allopurinol Drug Recall For Europharm's Purinol Purinol - a brand of allopurinol manufactured by Europharm Labs of Hong Kong - has been recalled. Tests have revealed the presence of a fungus called Rhizopus. Shipments have been refused entry into Macoa. The Department of Health in Hong Kong has withdrawn Purinol from sale, and is investigating other drugs manufactured by Europharm. Please note that this only affects Europharm Laboratories in Hong Kong. The contamination appears to have occurred due to delays in the process of converting the active ingredients mixture into tablet form. It does not affect other manufacturers of allopurinol. Patients receiving Purinol are urged to seek alternative allopurinol supplies from the clinics where there drugs where dispensed. It is vital that you do this immediately, as suspected medicines should never be used, but allopurinol should not be discontinued without the advice of your doctor. Please check your allopurinol packaging immediately. You only need to take action if the medicine was manufactured by Europharm Labs of Hong...
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Does Medical Marijuana Help With Gout?

Does Medical Marijuana Help With Gout?

In tidying the old forums, I repeat the following question in it's entirety: Hello Everyone I hope this subject isn't that taboo on the forums, if the admin deems this as an unfit thread for this forums then please remove it at all costs, as I come from a legal state where I was able to get a prescription for MMJ. I am in no way advocating its use or in anyway promoting it, but I came here with some questions/thoughts and would love to get some feedback from fellow sufferers. I have read on a few websites that cannabis mite be a possible candidate as an anti-inflammatory for arthritis, seeing as how gout is considered a form of arthritis it may seem that MMJ may be beneficial for gout sufferers. And there are other sites where it states that MMJ justs act like morphine in the sense that it helps the users forget about the pain while under the effects...
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Two weeks and two days since starting Allopurinol

Two weeks and two days since starting Allopurinol

Hello Keith, Hope you are well ? I said I'd keep you posted on my uric acid levels so here is an up date. I started taking 100mgs of Allopurinol on the 3rd of Sept 2012 . On the 17th, a fortnight later I had a blood test for uric acid , kidney function and liver function as you advised. During the first two weeks of the commencement of Allopurinol?I encountered a flare up of gout ( 5 days in to be exact ) so I started Colchicine Immediately , one per day , which stopped it in its tracks. My uric acid level before starting Allopurinol was 448 and I am delighted to say they are now down to 290 . Yippee! I was so pleased with the result but then I was somewhat deflated when the nurse said I would need to have a liver function re test ? I didn't ask her why ? I just made an appointmet for retest on Wednesday. I just...
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GoutPal for 15 Years

GoutPal for 15 Years

Following my introduction to Keith's GoutPal Story, I've started this series of posts looking back over the 15 years of GoutPal. Back in 2005, I was an Internet beginner and gout newbie. But I'd learned enough to see that regular gout sites of the time were of little use to me. Because they were a daunting collection of: Gout Science I could barely understand. Gout Hypocracy designed to relieve sufferers of hard-earned cash for spurious reports and snake-oil gout remedies. Gout Lies that contradicted each other. Gout Myths based on outdated perceptions of uric acid and its effects. continue reading GoutPal for 15 Years...
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