Keith’s GoutPal Story 2020 Forums Please Help My Gout! Past aches high uric acid and PODAGRA

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    Are past mystery aches, high uric acid and PODAGRA a sure sign of gout? My joint fluid test came backe “inconclusive” which I think means they lost the results or didn't get them in time for my appointment. The doctor left the room after his statement of “inconcusive” and said “actually it looks like you have garden variety gout.” So I am still not 100% sure.

    Also, if anyone could give advice on my earlier post “Gout since July” I would really appreciate it.



    If you've got the garden gout- I don't know what the greenhouse one is like 🙂

    I would say- yes!¬  you have the Big G and your medic is trying to operate blind if the results aren't coming through right. With the reaction you have, he is probably wary of upping your dose to 300 mg- and you ARE heading in the right direction SUA wise, albeit with some pain.

    Thy racing stripe doesn't scan for me- but it could be a co-incident infection. Nothing says it can't happen! My gout pains, [if not just 'lumps'] are usually centred right on a joint…spreading out from there later on, from the centre.

    It looks like you're on track- it will take more time to settle this.


    sirlimpsalot said:

    Are past mystery aches, high uric acid and PODAGRA a sure sign of gout? My joint fluid test came backe “inconclusive” which I think means they lost the results or didn't get them in time for my appointment. The doctor left the room after his statement of “inconcusive” and said “actually it looks like you have garden variety gout.” So I am still not 100% sure.

    Also, if anyone could give advice on my earlier post “Gout since July” I would really appreciate it.


    There's nothing like a good doctor to boost one's faith in the medical profession, and this one is …

    Who did your joint fluid test?

    I think you have to proceed on the basis that this is gout, and get that uric acid number down.


    Thank you for responding gentlemen. I must say that – after having scoured this site in search for answers for quite some time –  it is like I am talking to celebrities!

    What an honor and what a great service you do.


    No, the honor is mine.

    I've never had a Sir here before, and whenever that title is applied to me, they always spell it c-u-r

    Woof woof


    And talk about being dismissive about gout with that “garden-variety” nonsense. Part of the problem with doctors and gout…they treat it lightly and stupidly.

    Imagine a doctor telling a patient he has “garden variety lung cancer” or he had a “garden variety stroke.”

    For someone who has his foot in Satan's vise, one is rarely thinking about FLOWERS.


    Exactly Zip! @  Part of the problem with doctors and gout…they treat it lightly

    As is often the case, a side remark- ( garden variety) illustrates the overall problem only too well.

    Highlighted by the off hand diagnosis and management..

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