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  • #3263
    nina bak

    hello. i am a member of the site since my dad got diagnosed with chronic gout. this site helped us a lot. i am still coming back to it, and always have some more questions. dad is in general ok. he is on 300 mg allopurinol, very strict diet, lots of water. uric acid is now around 4. maybe every two weeks he has some sort of inflammation more in his hands. we increased his allopurinol to 400mg to see if that will help with recurrent inflammation. his uric acid dropped down to 2, and everything was the same. what bothers us is his toe infection that wont go away. he has history of stomach ulcers and because of that we are very careful with any medication especially anti inflammatories. anyone out there is taking some steroid medications, like medrol?, or antibiotics for infection on big toe? thanks a lot. nina


    Though your dad's gout seems to be well under control with the allopurinol, it will do nothing for infections. I seem to remember that steroids can makeinfections worse, but I could be wrong on this.

    You need to seek medical advise on an antibiotic program that is suitable for use at the same time as allopurinol. It is vital that your dad follows the antibiotic program exactly – i.e. the proper dose for the correct number of days.



    Allopurinol won't “cure” a current case of acute gout (inflammation) but that attack will subside eventually by itself. Having a uric acid as low as he does will probably guarantee that once the current attack ends, he will problably not suffer any more attacks.

    Be patient.

    Alas, with a history of stomach ulceration, there are few analgesics that are wise. He could get away with colchicine if necessary.

    (I am assuming you are using the words INFECTION and INFLAMMATION, with swelling, redness, pain synonymously)

    nina bak

    after all we are reading about gout, it seems that crystals that are formed in his toe are causing infection. I can see under his nail there is some pus coming out. it is like a open wound that can not heal for a year. I was hoping allopurinol will help dissolve these crystals, and antibiotics for infection( anything with open wound with discharge), red, swollen, hot- inflammation. he has both on his toe. at first he thought he had an ingrown nail, he would cut ,which made things worse. that was the article written by american podiatrist that i read about steroids for people with stubborn infection on their toe and with historyof ulcers. i am in usa, he is in croatia treated with village doctor and given all kind of different diagnosis. (one time they pulled his nail), they told him he is diabetic).i am trying to get informed as much as i can, but not really experiment on him.thanks for any information. nina

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