Keith’s GoutPal Story 2020 Forums Please Help My Gout! New Diagnosis – advice for young (ish!) woman please!!

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    On Christmas Eve I started with a tingly pain in my right MTP joint, that gradually worsened to feel like it was eating away at the joint, until this morning on my way home from work it got so bad I could barely walk and so attended my GP. He diagnosed likely gout, which I had suspected from the symptoms, but which seemed unlikely, or so I thought. He requested bloods for uric acid, prescribed diclofenac 50mg TDS and asked me to come back in two weeks.


    I'm 31 years old, female, vegetarian, don't exercise in the sense of going to the gym but have a very active job and walk everywhere (I don't drive and have a dog), don't smoke, drink occasionally and eat a relatively healthy diet. Since doing some reading around the subject today I realise that this doesn't preclude from a diagnosis of gout, but it IS unusual. I wondered if anyone had any specific advice or was a sufferer from similar background as myself?


    In terms of dietary intake, I could stop drinking alcohol altogether I guess, and also reduce my intake of mushrooms or mycoproteins and peas/beans etc, but ?I'm not sure what that would leave me to eat! Also, although I eat my 5-a-day etc, I also have a sweet tooth and could do with reducing my sweet intake. I realise that it's not as simple as that, but this pain is so awful that I'll try most things!


    How long do most people's attacks last? I have a job that involves being on my feet a lot, and work last night was unbearable. I have called in sick for tonight as I can't get a shoe on but I don't like the idea of being off for long. I'm using ice, the NSAID and elevation, anyone got any ideas for a quick recovery?


    Thanks so much for any advice you can give smilesmile


    It's unlikely to be diet related, as most gout is hereditary. There is little you can do at the moment about treatment for lowering uric acid, so just wait for the results – but make sure you get an exact number, not something vague and meaningless like “normal” or “high”.

    Pain management is important, but gout is controllable. I would avoid ice – it lowers inflammation, but it also encourages uric acid crystals to form. Use warm towels for relief, and avoid chills. Choose shoes, or boots that give good support – preferably large enough to fit an extra pair of socks.

    Talk to your pharmacist about better pain relief. There is so much available, you should not have to lose work. Colchicine is good for stopping inflammation spreading. Combine this with naproxen and maybe add an analgesic, and you should soon be back on your feet.


    Can we assume by MTP joint you mean the BUNION JOINT? (We have a bunch of MTP joints.)


    Don't pester yourself with dietary restrictions at this point.? Just wait on the results of your uric acid blood test.


    My experience is that the first several attacks last almost precisely 3 days. YMMV. When I had my first attacks in my arch and ankle, before I knew for sure?it was gout, I used a single crutch for the worst of the 3 days.?

    Have you ever had any unexplained foot or ankle pain in the past?


    If you are in the States, you can buy over the counter Naproxyn (or Aleve) that some people get good results with. But continue with the diclofenac (sounds like you are a Brit) if it gives you relief.

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